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Books as Furniture

A record of where time has been lost, spent, or restructured. 

Currently reading

Black Fire: The True Story of the Original Tom Sawyer--and of the Mysterious Fires That Baptized Gold Rush-Era San Francisco
Robert Graysmith
Designing Networks and Services for the Cloud: Delivering business-grade cloud applications and services (Networking Technology)
Huseni Saboowala, Muhammad Abid, Sudhir Modali
Write Good or Die
Scott Nicholson
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them
Francine Prose

Missing Mom

Missing Mom - Joyce Carol Oates I was emotionally invested in this reading (and listening experience), caught up in the upheaval of loss and recovery, as bewildered as the characters by the effects of grief, only to have all of that apparently minimized by a gift-wrapped, no-loose-ends conclusion. In this reading, I saw myself with many of the same undesirable and lamentable characteristics of the created characters. It will be the rare reader that does not see bits of herself in these pages. It is a worthy read, even without satisfaction in the end. Audio book reading was fantastic and contributed mightily to my enjoyment.