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Books as Furniture

A record of where time has been lost, spent, or restructured. 

Currently reading

Black Fire: The True Story of the Original Tom Sawyer--and of the Mysterious Fires That Baptized Gold Rush-Era San Francisco
Robert Graysmith
Designing Networks and Services for the Cloud: Delivering business-grade cloud applications and services (Networking Technology)
Huseni Saboowala, Muhammad Abid, Sudhir Modali
Write Good or Die
Scott Nicholson
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them
Francine Prose

Quitter: Turning Your Job into a Dream and Your Dream into a Job

Quitter: Turning Your Job into a Dream and Your Dream into a Job - Jon Acuff There are good take-aways from this book. Not much that seemed like new information and the self-deprecating style seems a bit contrived at times, Acuff does assemble a boatload of common-sense advice in one volume. I was personally motivated to follow through on doing a job that I don't like with excellence and hustle until I can manage to live my dream.